Elas são garage, elas são rock n' roll, elas são pop, elas são simplesmente T-U-D-O !!!! As Parallèles são demais. Um escândalo, um xuxu de banda. Uma das melhores propostas do Brasil em se tratando de garage. Sem medo de surpreender, e muito menos ainda de desagradar aos "roqueiros" moderninhos que acreditam que sacam tudo de rock achando que este tipo de música é só peso e distorção, essas moças passeiam pelo surf music, pelo garage do anos 60 e pela jovem-guarda brasileira. As influências são as melhores possíveis, de Sonics à Roberto Carlos, elas tocam o que gostam com segurança e honestidade, ou seja, fazendo o que realmente importa.

Tudo começou em 2007, com o fim das Mercedes. Tatiana e Carol foram adiantando o projeto com Paula na guitarra, e só em 2008 encontraram Andréia. A banda lançou um CD demo intintulado "Bande-dessinée". Mas já registraram de forma analógica 12 faixas que serão lançadas em CD pelo selo argentino Rastrillo Records, e em 12" pelo selo português Groovie Records.
They are garage, they are rock n 'roll, they're pop, they are simply EVERYTHING!! The Parallèles are awesome. An amazing band! One of the best proposals from Brazil when it comes to garage. Without fear of surprise, and even less to offend the "rockers" hipsters who believe they know everything rock, thinking that this kind of music is one weight and distortion, these girls wander by surf music, the garage of 60 years and brazilian Jovem Guarda. The influences are the best possible: The Sonics until Roberto Carlos, they play what they like with safety and honesty, or doing what really matters.
Those girls are so good they do. Everything is cumulative of other bands related to punk and garage from Sao Paulo. The band is formed by Andreia Crispin (bass and vocals), who comes from bands like nothing less than FuzzFaces and Laboratorio SP; Tatiana Sanson (organ, vocals), familiar figure in the hardcore punk scene in São Paulo for having gone through such bands as Infect, I Shot Cyrus, Besta Fera, and just before the Parallèles, a girl band with influences from new wave called The Mercedes; on guitar, Paula Villas, and on the drumsticks Carol Calimam, who also played with Tatiana in the Mercedes. Is not a perfect team?
It all began in 2007 with the end of the Mercedes. Next, found Paula (guitar), and only in 2008 found Andreia. The band released a demo CD intintulated "Bande-dessinée." But already recorded in analog 12 tracks that will be released on CD by Argentine label Rastrillos Records, and 12" by Portuguese label Groovie Records.

Rock On, Baby!!!